Flufftails, Rails, Crakes, Gallinules, Swamphens, Moorhens, Coots & Finfoot



Buff-spotted Flufftail
Red-chested Flufftail
White-winged Flufftail








I still need to see Streaky-breasted Flufftail and Striped Flufftail


Rails, Crakes, Moorhen, Gallinule, Swamphen, Coot

African Rail
Baillon’s Crake
Black Crake
Spotted Crake







Little Crake
Red-knobbed Coot
Common Moorhen
Lesser Moorhen







African Purple Swamphen
Allen’s Gallinule


I have seen but not photographed Striped Crake and African Crake.

I am yet to see Corn Crake and American Purple Gallinule






African Finfoot








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