I think I am a birder, what do I do?

Landing on this page probably means that somehow you have become more aware of the birds around you, and you want to develop a further interest in looking at birds.

Birding globally is one of the fastest growing past times, and in the US is close in beating golf as the faster growing pastime. Many years ago when I started birding as a kid, many people thought I was crazy as birding was seen as a hobby for retired people (and I certainly hope i will keep doing this in my retirement)

Today it has become a high tech sport with the serious participants using GPS devices, huge cameras and lenses and digital recording devices to name a few. They are energetic and mobile, willing to travel to find new birding spots and new species. Yet you can do this hobby in your back yard with equal success and joy. I have added 6 new species to my garden list in the past year by improving my garden for birds.

As someone brand new to the hobby the most difficult part now lays ahead, how to get to know birds and how to find them. As in any leisure activity there is a period of learning which can make or break if you will continue or not. Please do not feel put off by this. As you would need to learn how to play golf or tennis, just the same, one needs to learn some basics to ensure you become a proficient birder.

My goal is to help you with this based on my years of birding experience and my learning from teaching and assisting people new to the hobby to get the most out of it.

As in any sport practice makes perfect, the great thing is that there are birds everywhere, in your back yard, on the way to work, just about any holiday destination and a few spots in your own suburb that you will probably get to know over time. Gary Player said that the more you practice the luckier you get. In birding this is even truer, as this also increases your chances of finding some special sightings; you would be amazed at what I have found in my backyard!

The information I have here will continually grow so come back regularly to see if I have added new stuff. For now this is what you can use to get started:

To come soon.

  • Getting help from others

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