Due to the huge amount of subspecies many of the species can only be identified to the family grouping.
Praying Mantis (Miomantis spp) | Long Horned Earwig (Eubarelia annalipes) |
King Cricket (Park Town Prawn) (Libanasidas vittatus) | Leaf Katydids (Phaneroptera Sparsa) |
Common Garden Cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) | Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpidae spp) |
Green Vegetable Bug (Nezara Viridata) | Bark Stink Bug (Coenomorpha ssp) |
Pond Skater (Gerns swakopensis) | Common Backswimmer (Aisops ssp) |
White Flies (Family Alerodidae) | Cotton Aphid (Aphis gossypii) |
Common Rose Aphid (Macrosiphon rosae) | Soft Brown Scale (Coccus Hesperidium) |
Australian Bug (Icerya purchase) Invasive | Tube Tailed Thrips (Family Phlaeothripidae) |
Garden Fruit Chafer (Pachnoda sinuate) | Yellow-belted Fruit Chafer (PLeasiorrhinella plana) |
Large Black Nest Chafer (Diplognatha gagates) | Fork-horned Rhino Beetle (Cyphoistes Vallatus) |
Black Ringed Ladybird (Oenopia cinctella) | Lunate Ladybird (Cheilomenes lunata) |
Pondo Pondo Longhorn (Ceroplesis Thunbergi) | Hangingflies (Bittacus spp) |
Daddy longlegs (Nephrotoma spp) | House Mosquito (Culex ssp) |
Bloodworm (Chironomus formosipennis) | Bush Mosquito (Aedes aegyptii) |
House Fly (Musca domestica) | Copper-tailed blowfly (chrysomya latistriga) |
Broad-banded Latoia (Latoia latistriga) | Vestal (Rhodometra scararia) |
Oleander Hawk Moth (Daphnis nerii) | Paper Wasp (Palistes fastidiotus) |
Belonogaster dubia (2 species) | Nomia amabalis |
Carpenter Bee (xylocopa caffra) | Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) |
Amagilla atrocincta | Spotted Sugar Ant (Camponotus maculatus) |
Camponotus Spp | Pugnacious Ant (Anoplolepsis custodiens) |
American Cockroach (Invasive) | Lily Leaf Miner (brithys crini) (Invasive) |
Spotted Maize Beetle (Astylus atromaculatus) (Invasive) | Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) (Invasive) |
Black Sugar Ant (Lepisiota capensis) | Hover Fly (Askarkina Africana) |
Brown House Ant (Pheidole megacephala) | Hide Beetle (Family Dermestidae) |
Grass Moth (Crambus ssp) | Banded Blowfly (Chrysomaya albiceps) |
Paper Wasp (Ropalidia ssp) | Black Mealy Bug Predator (Exochomus flavipes) |
Hover fly (Allograpta sp.) | Orange Plume Moth (Agdistis spp) |
Cape Lawn Moth (Spodoptera cilium) | Spotted Amber Ladybird (Hippodamia variegata) (Alien) |
Fungus Termite | Ground Beetle |
Natal Fruit Fly (Ceratitis rosa) | Ichneumon Wasp (Enicospilus) |
Mud Dauber (Sceliphron spiriflex) | Keyhole Wasp (Trypoxylon ssp) |