Birding Big Weekend 2016 – Letaba

I was fortunate enough to be invited to be a guide for this year’s BBW in Letaba. Once again we had the privileged to guide an awesome group of birders, and it was great to do some birding with good friends.

The drought this year has had a severe impact on the park, and grazing, especially along the rivers was non-existent. This has a huge impact on the hippo population and all along the rivers we found dead hippos. Other tall grass grazers like buffalo were also not in top condition. Animal life was quite scarce but the birdlife was surprisingly good. Abundance of birds was less, but the number of species seen was still quite high. Seed eaters were scarce due the lack of grass. We found quite a few nice finds for the park which included Great White Pelican, Glossy and Sacred Ibis, and two Eurasian Golden Orioles in one tree.


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