
Birding 101 is about getting new people into birding, and assisting those who have just started, to get the most out of the hobby. In the beginning it can be very daunting; there are so many birds and so many look exactly the same to the untrained eye. Where do you start to look for the bird in the book? In fact many beginners just want to know how to spot the bird in the bush! Please explore my site as I try and help you make the most of your hobby, learn some skills and get you on the road to passionate birding. This is not just for new birders, but all birders, so please also explore my photos and travels.

The site has also expanded to contain pages of all kinds of species that I have encountered. Hopefully you will find some interest in these too.



3 thoughts on “Home”

  1. Very nice website, I will be watching this space for more updtes on your trips, I am also planning motorcycle trips (I finally managed to buy one after 4 years of waiting), the trips will include wildlife photography but mainly birding.

    The info of which birds I see where and when will also be sent to conservation organizations to assist in tracking of birds.

  2. I saw a Long Crested Eagle in Ficksburg Freestate, on the Golfcourse and also beside the road. Have often spotted it beside the roads close to Ficksburg. Have photo to prove it.

    1. Hi Carlene, that is awesome. It seems that they are one of the few raptor species that is extending its range. When we still had a farm near Clocolan, I found one or two around town and close to Ladybrand. Lets hope the keep increasing.

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